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Here you can sort the manufacturers / suppliers by Cheapest price - price Ratio - TCO - or Delivery time. To use this feature you can sort your finest requirements to have them sorted the way you wish!

TIP: It may be that a delivery at a port in a nearby country is cheaper than your own port. For example delivery to Antwerp is cheaper than Rotterdam or Hamburg. If you are located in Germany and would like to order CIF, then your port Antwerp - Belgium is maybe the best solution! (4 days earlier and lower THC costs.

What does it mean?

Get Cheapest Price

Sort simply cheapest EWX price

To sort by this you propose the lowest price top ranked. It will not look to origin, destination or production and shipping time. Just the lowest EXW price is top ranked.

Get best Price Ratio

Balance price and deliverytime

This automatic calculate what is the best balance between lowest price including shipping fee and shortest deliverytime. You will not buy the cheapest product, but will have the most competitive supplier balanced between deliverytime - shipping time and EXW pricing.

Get Cheapest TCO

Cheapest total cost

The cheapest TCO (Total Cost of Owership) this is the cheapest total productprice. The EXW price + the Shipping Fee. Then ranked to the lowest at top. When you select DDP, the algorithms integrate import duties aswell.

Get shortest total Deliverytime

Sort by shortest delivery

Deliverytime is divided in two parts, the manufacturing time; time that the manufacturer needs to produce the fasteners and the shipping time. This shipping time is based on sea shipment. But on request we can offer offcourse airfreight aswell.

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