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.xls upload
Zero investment, one-time match with our article numbers and update your database, with our global database as many as you want.
To avoid out-of-stock situations we can adjust your stock levels. For example, we show online only 20% of your stock level. This creates the possibility that customers will not order more than 20% of your total stock. And you decide when to send in a new stocklist with actual prices. We can update daily or once a week. It's up to you!
.xls upload
We are constantly working on our platform.
You can expect to upload the .XLS by yourself in the next updates.
For now please e-mail us your .xls file or existing product lists (according to the specifications from the video).
MAIL .XLS FILE TO: info@aramfix.com

This is your unique supplier number provided by ARAMFIX after registration. As buyer and seller you have the same number. Only one registration is needed.
Represent: Your Debtor number
Value: Numbers (max 5 digits)
Sample: 1478

Search in the database for our articlenumber your stock and price will be shown to this related number. Please take care about the packaging quantity.
Represent: Aramfix Article Number
Value: 25-digit letter/number
Sample: D910CAGPSMF5JM000FHA1F00B

The ARAMFIX header product discription. Here we discribe the articlenumber.
Represent: Article Description
Value: Letters/Numbers (max 60)
Sample: DIN910 Screw Plug with collar M52x2 Fine Class A4 PLAIN 1 pce METRIC Hex Full Blunt

Write here you own articlenumber to match with our ERP software when we receive a order for you!
Represent: Your Article number
Value: Letters/Numbers (max30 digits)
Sample: DIN910-M52x2

Your desciption of the goods. (Not needed)
Represent: Your Article description
Value: Letters/Numbers (max 60 digits)
Sample: DIN 910 M52x20 Stainless

Your sales price EXW of the goods.
Represent: Value of exw price
Value: Number divided by , sample:
Sample: 10,00

Your sales price per 1 or 100 or 1000 pieces. This is NOT the packing quantity. The packing quanitity is described in the articlenumber.
Value: Numbers (max 4 digits)
Sample: 1

The sales currency of the goods. This is always a short word like EUR - CNY - GBP - USD.
Value: Letters (max 3 digits)
Sample: EUR

Your total actual stock in your warehouse in pieces.
Value: Numbers (max 10 digits, no comma)
Sample: 8000

How much percent of the stock you would like to show online at ARAMFIX - write 40% as value 40
With this adjustment you avoid anyone orders more than you have available with cross-selling.
Value: Numbers (max 2 digits)
Sample: 40

What time you need in average to pick a order and place ready for shipment? Value in days.
Value: Numbers (max 3 digits)
Sample: 2

PriceStartDate / PriceEndDate
Written in year-month-day xxxx-xx-xx 2021-11-09 From when till when are these uploaded prices valid? When a prices crosses the PriceEndDate the products and stock are automatically removed.